Friday, January 28, 2011

Good writing essential - (SAMPLE NEWS SITE HERE!)

The future of journalism may rest in the hands of the students in a Mac lab this semester. Budding online reporters and editors are poised at their computers, ready to transform the field into an all-at-once state-of-the-art, factually sound and investigatively strong bastion of truth and justice! They are man's and woman's best friend. They are the Online Journalism MCS 208 Scoop Team.

Taking the lead
From this one promising computer lab may be born a new kind of journalist -- one that integrates the best of print, TV, radio and Internet into stories that will enlighten and perhaps even save the world! So prepare yourselves, citizens everywhere. From breaking news to up-to-the-minute sports to cutting-edge business to newly released entertainment, the Online Journalism MCS 208 news machine will be there!


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